Thursday, January 9, 2014

My Personality Test

According to MBTI, my personality type is ENFJ. My personality is described as outgoing, energetic, communicative, and warm. I believe the MBTI test was right on with my personality. I enjoy spending time with a large group of people, I have sympathy for others emotions. I can find myself sometimes so invested in helping others, that I neglect my own needs. I absolutely at all times need to be neat and organized. I see potential in others and often rely on them for the best at the time. I act as a emotion barometer when I am around people. But yet, I can be a leader when I need to be. I excel at using words to connect people. I have learned that I am dependent on others and I give a helping hand any time in need. I like to have control of my organization, and happiness is a common emotion for me. In my lifetime I will take on adventures and "live life to the fullest".

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year.. New Me

First semester as a video student, I learned what it is like to really form a beautiful "artsy" shot in film language. The unique angle of a shot, along with the tone of color, causes the audience's eyes to stretch from corner to corner on the screen, creating an art-like display of vision. With practice, this type of shot can be perfected. Through out the semester I didn't learn all the techniques it takes to edit a perfect video. However, I would like to learn the consistency of editing a perfect film, with the skills of "special effects" that I can eventually apply. This semester, my goal is to create a video that is merely close to perfection, with editing, shots, story line, and overall cinematic display of creation. This can be achieved with practice, patience, and a lot of desire.