Thursday, September 5, 2013

Adaption or Translation

It seems to be the "trend" to compare movies to books in this day in age. Books like The Hunger Games, the Harry Potter series, and the Twilight Saga are widely popular and world renowned. The book sales and movie sales both entail multi-million earnings.

It seems to me a movie tries to capture the essence of the book that the audience fell in love with. The hold up for movies trying to hold to the books standards is the time frame. With books, there is no time frame to capture all the ideas, emotions, and surprises that come with an extraordinary novel. As for movies, in order to make an extraordinary film, it has to be in a reasonable time frame, so you don't lose your audience's attention.

I believe it is possible to establish a less subjective more impartial apparatus to help determine the merits of literature-based films. As for creative directors, it takes a fine talent to establish the same plot and key events as in a popular film, with their own little twist to the film, while capturing the audience's approval. Can a director throw in surprises in the film that were not in the novel to cause controversy and give their film more publicity? Seems like a savvy business move to me.

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