Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Love Creates Horror

Love Creates Horror:

    In a book to movie comparison, we talk about the well-known author, Stephen King. Stephen King is anticipated to release a sequel to his successful novel, The Shining. King talks about how he is nervous about this particular sequel because the common thought of the general public about a sequel is, "It cannot be as good as the first one,". King has matured as a writer since The Shining hit bookstores, writing it at age 28. This experience should give King a slight advantage to make his sequel as successful as the first book.
Some worries King face are knowing his audience and their mindset to a sequel. "The fear is that people will come back expecting that kind of scare as grown-ups and that just never happens," King explains. King emphasizes that to really scare his older audience, he will have to make the novel in a honorable way, letting the audience get emotionally invested into the characters. "What I want the audience to do is fall in love with these people, and really to care about them and that creates the suspense that you need.. Love creates horror." If King does get his audience to fall in love with his characters, than he is more likely to have a successful sequel that he hopes for. 

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