Wednesday, February 12, 2014

About Me

Hi All!
I am Caitlyn, an 18 year old video student at Olathe Northwest High. I have loved movies and the artistic side of entertainment, since I was a little girl. I have always had a passion for photography and art. I would always love to draw cartoons of my favorite tv characters on my free time. I tend to love to be in front of a camera as well. I plan to pursue some sort of film or photography studies in college. I have learned a lot these past 4 years in my E-Communications class at Olathe Northwest. I will take what I learned, and apply it to my future. I have no doubt the skills I have learned will benefit me in the end.


Artist Statement: This is one out of many shots taken for my cousin's senior pictures, that I took. His pictures were taken in the summer of 2013. This shot consists of a naturally rough looking background, making his white shirt pop out, giving a nice glow to his tan skin. I had fun taking his senior pictures, and photography is something I really enjoy.

Artist Statement: This piece is a collage of fabric and cardboard. This artwork is a picture of my favorite English teacher, Mr. Krause. Also added into this piece, is Mr. Krause's favorite quote by Neil Young. I am very proud of this piece and it portrays my artistic abilities rather than just using a pencil and color.

Artist Statement: This is a music video Nickels Nickelesen and I created. We both came up with video ideas for our shots and we both filmed different parts of the video. We created the lighting, making a dramatic setting. This was particularly the most fun I have had in awhile, shooting a video. Nickels and I both worked hard on this project.